Assignment: Advanced Bootstrap Skills Assessment – Lawyer’s Portfolio Website

Objective: This assignment aims to assess your proficiency in advanced CSS, including selectors, layout techniques, animations, and responsive design.


Task 1: Complex CSS Selectors (15 points)

Create an HTML document with a basic structure containing headings, paragraphs, and lists. Then, use CSS to style specific elements using advanced selectors:

  • Apply styles to even and odd paragraphs differently using :nth-child pseudo-classes.
  • Style elements with specific classes and IDs.
  • Use descendant selectors to style nested elements.

Task 2: Advanced Layout (20 points)

  • Implement a multi-column layout using CSS Grid or Flexbox. Create a grid or flex layout for navigation, content, and a sidebar.
  • Use media queries to change the layout for smaller screens (e.g., tablet and mobile) to ensure responsive design.

Task 3: CSS Transitions and Animations (20 points)

  • Apply CSS transitions to create smooth hover effects for at least two elements (e.g., buttons, images).
  • Create a CSS animation for an element (e.g., a rotating image, fading text).
  • Ensure that animations are well-timed and visually appealing.

Task 4: Custom Fonts (15 points)

  • Include and apply a custom web font from a reliable source like Google Fonts or Adobe Fonts.
  • Use the @font-face rule to add a locally hosted font and apply it to specific elements.

Task 5: Pseudo-elements and Pseudo-classes (15 points)

  • Utilize pseudo-elements like ::before or ::after to add decorative elements to your web page.
  • Implement styles for links using pseudo-classes like :hover, :visited, and :active.

Task 6: CSS Variables (10 points)

  • Define and use CSS variables (custom properties) to maintain consistency in color schemes or other design aspects across your web page.

Task 7: Advanced Selectors and Combinators (10 points)

  • Implement complex CSS selectors, such as combinators (>, +, ~) to target specific nested elements.
  • Use attribute selectors to target elements with specific attributes.

Task 8: Compatibility and Fallbacks (10 points)

  • Ensure that your CSS is cross-browser compatible and include vendor prefixes where necessary.
  • Provide a CSS rule as a fallback in case a browser doesn’t support a particular property or value.


Submit your HTML file (.html), external CSS file (.css), and any associated resources (fonts, if applicable) in a zip folder. Include your name in the file name (e.g., “”).


Your assignment will be graded based on the completeness, correctness, adherence to CSS standards, creativity, and responsiveness. Make sure your code is well-structured and well-documented.