Assignment: Intermediate HTML Skills Assessment

Objective: This assignment aims to test your understanding of intermediate-level HTML concepts and your ability to create structured and well-formatted web pages.


Task 1: Basic HTML Structure (10 points)

Create an HTML document with the following structure:

  • Declare the document type and HTML version.
  • Create an <html> element with appropriate attributes.
  • Include <head> and <body> sections.
  • Inside the <head> section, include a <title> element with a title for your web page.

Task 2: Heading and Paragraphs (15 points)

Inside the <body> section:

  • Create an <h1> heading with a title for your web page.
  • Add a <p> element with a brief introduction to the topic of your web page.
  • Create two more <p> elements with some sample text.

Task 3: Lists (15 points)

  • Create an unordered list (<ul>) with at least three list items (<li>). Use appropriate content for the list items.
  • Create an ordered list (<ol>) with at least three list items (<li>). Use appropriate content for the list items.

Task 4: Hyperlinks (15 points)

  • Add a hyperlink to an external website of your choice using the <a> element. Make sure it opens in a new tab.
  • Create a hyperlink to an internal section of your web page using an anchor (<a>) and an id attribute.

Task 5: Images (15 points)

  • Include an image in your web page using the <img> element. Use a suitable image file (you can download one from the internet or use your own). Provide alternative text for the image.
  • Create a second image, but this time, link it to a larger version of the same image. Ensure that clicking on the image opens the larger version in a new tab.

Task 6: Tables (20 points)

  • Create a table with at least three rows and three columns. Use appropriate content for the table cells. Add a caption to the table.
  • Apply different attributes such as border, cellpadding, and cellspacing to the table to enhance its appearance.

Task 7: Forms (20 points)

  • Create a simple form that includes text input fields, a radio button group, checkboxes, and a submit button.
  • Use appropriate labels (<label>) for each form element.
  • Specify the name and id attributes for each form element.

Task 8: Validation (10 points)

  • Add HTML comments (<!-- ... -->) to your code to explain the purpose of specific elements or sections within your web page.


Submit your HTML file (.html) and any associated resources (images, if applicable) in a zip folder. Make sure to include your name in the file name (e.g., “”).


Your assignment will be graded based on the completeness, correctness, and adherence to HTML standards, as well as the quality of explanations and comments in your code.