
Customer Testimonials

cmsGalaxy did a great job! This is our first website and we didn’t know what to expect. They walked us through the process and help us each step of the way. The success of the web site has been beyond our expectations.

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Augustine Joseph

CEO, SurgeryPlanet Inc.

From our very first contact with cmsGalaxy to our final website launch, we found cmsGalaxy provided an outstanding service and an excellent company to work with.

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Sunita Bisht

Marketing Director, Wizbrand

From our very first contact with cmsGalaxy to our final website launch, we found cmsGalaxy provided an outstanding service and an excellent company to work with. Every question was answered quickly and they went above and beyond what we asked of them.

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Rehan Sayeed

Cardiothoracic Surgeon

cmsGalaxy provided an outstanding service and an excellent company to work with. I would recommend cmsGalaxy to any company wishing to create or update their website and Search Engine Optomization.

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Rajesh Kumar


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